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A Strengthened PM2.5 Standard is Here

You may have noticed over the past month that there seem to be more fine particulate (i.e., PM2.5) readings elevated into the Code Yellow “moderate”...

PM2.5 Data Discrepancies Explained – Part 5 of 5

This multi-part blog series highlights several common sources of PM2.5 data with the intent not to endorse or dismiss any particular platform, but to suggest how...

PM2.5 Data Discrepancies Explained – Part 4 of 5

This multi-part blog series highlights several common sources of PM2.5 data with the intent not to endorse or dismiss any particular platform, but to suggest how...

PM2.5 Data Discrepancies Explained – Part 3 of 5

This multi-part blog series highlights several common sources of PM2.5 data with the intent not to endorse or dismiss any particular platform, but to suggest how...

PM2.5 Data Discrepancies Explained – Part 2 of 5

This multi-part blog series highlights several common sources of PM2.5 data with the intent not to endorse or dismiss any particular platform, but to suggest how...

PM2.5 Data Discrepancies Explained – Part 1 of 5

In 2023, an incredible 45 million acres (18.5m hectares) of forest burned in Canada. And last summer in particular, when the large-scale weather pattern was...

Rapid Reaction: Local Wintertime Particle Pollution Episode

In a previous blog post, we discussed some unique characteristics of winter air quality. Namely, how fine particulate readings are often higher overnight and early...
Satellite imagery with smoke visible across the eastern U.S.

Rapid Reaction: Smoky Skies Create Unhealthy Air Quality

Our summer started not with sun but smoke last week, which yielded the most widespread hazardous air quality episode seen in many years across the...
Smoke analysis for the southeastern U.S. on 4/20/23.

Smoke Drives April Air Quality Woes

We usually experience good air quality conditions throughout the spring in North Carolina, often due to those April showers that bring May flowers! However, it...
Ozone formation

Springing into the 2023 Ozone Season

March heralds the start of not only meteorological spring – even if it may be colder than February was! –  but also the official start...